My bariatric vitamin is making me sick :/

I’ve had the same bari vitamin since a couple of weeks post op (how long they told me to wait).  It has been absolutely great and my labs always come back good BUT within the past couple of months it is making me absolutely nauseous and I dread chewing it up.


It’s a one a day so very convenient as opposed to the other ones on the market. I just recently noticed they added iron to them so maybe that’s the issue..or maybe it’s the wellbutrin that  I’m on causing it to taste odd.


Whatever the case I do not like taking it but it is very important to take them. So I think next time I’ll get the capsules even though I have a hard time swallowing them. Yuck. You have to take the good with the bad.


Grandma has been gone 2 months and 2 days. Its getting easier every day and I’m thankful to God for that. Now instead of wishing she was still here I thank God for taking her home. She would still be miserable in her old broken body. I miss her and always will but some day I will see her again.


I used to wonder if we will know each other in Heaven. Lets look at 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV-For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”  

I think that is an indication that we will be known in Heaven as we are known on earth to our loved ones. I am not certain of course BUT I do know that either way what a day it will be to see our Lord face to face! My prayer is that everyone seeks salvation so that they can have that privilege.

I worry about those who are lost and it causes a lot of sadness but we all have freewill. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. It looks like springtime is trying to happen. I actually had a hummingbird fly up to me yesterday morning to say hello 🙂

Until my next blog entry..God bless whomever reads this and take care!

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