Beyond Stoked!

So, today I received a message on Facebook from a friend of ours whom we used to attend church with.  The fella said “Hey” and I replied “Hey how are you all?” He said “fine and he has something for us.” I was like “oh yeah? ” Him “Yeah, tickets to go see Skillet tomorrow night.”


Me “Oh my goodness for real!? Ya’ll aren’t going? Whaaaa! How much? We will pay?”  He told me free and I just couldn’t believe someone would be this kind..well yes I can because God is good and they are Christians and love the Lord. But I just was so overwhelmed with joy..still am!


So we get to go see Skillet along with For Kings and Country and I think one more band as well. If you don’t already know..Skillet is a huge Christian Rock band and so are For Kings and Country. I’m still like giddy! Thank you Lord!!!