Happy 4th! 6 Month Post Op Tomorrow

Happy Independence Day to those who celebrate! Our poor Brogan is NOT happy at all. I found a meme I made last year (thank you Facebook memories!) that sums up how he feels about today. 11692591_907709372629481_5786153037916537528_n

He is currently in the kitchen laying in front of the refrigerator asleep. Maybe the hum of the fridge makes him feel comfortable. Not quite sure but I would rather him do that than pant and pace like he’s been doing. Poor baby.

Anyway, on to my next subject..tomorrow makes 6 months post op for me. Where has the time gone?! I can’t handle how fast time goes by. I am really nervous about tomorrow. I weigh in and I’m hoping I did well. At my 3 month post op the PA told me she thought I would be at 200 when I saw her again. Welp I don’t know about that. I sure do not feel like I’m 200. I haven’t weighed in a couple of weeks and don’t want to until tomorrow. I’m just afraid. I haven’t cheated really but feel I am able to eat and hold more than normal. So..tomorrow I will find out. I HAVE to incorporate some counseling. Finding one is going to be the issue since I do not drive..oh and there is that other thing..finances. :/

I think I’m going to lay on the couch for a while. Kinda sleepy and bummed for some reason. Hope you all have a fantastic and safe 4th of July!!!

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