Yawn! Hey it’s Friday!

Morning! It’s Friday and a rainy one. In fact there are flood warnings and issues all around us so rain has become a common occurrence lately. Spring is around the corner.

I know I don’t post a lot but that’s mainly because a lot hasn’t happened. I will give an update though. It’s been 3 years last month since my gastric sleeve surgery. My highest weight was 325ish and today I’m 180 something. I got down to 161 but that was sadly with a little help.

Im clean and I’m sober now. Thank you Jesus!!! I am also a born again Christian now. I became a Christian in September or October of 2018. Best decision of my life. My husband also got saved shortly after.

We are members of a wonderful church with an awesome Pastor and his sweet wife and great kids. And we are blessed with an awesome church family. Love them all to pieces.

We are very active with Church and we have a lot of fun. God is good. If anyone knew our prior lives they would understand.

Anyway, my husband is currently in the process of getting gastric sleeve surgery. He’s gonna do great. His mother had full bypass over a year ago and she had complications that were unrelated to surgery (heart issues). But she’s on the mend. God has healed her so many times! We are so thankful.

My sweet grandma passed away nearly a year ago, in fact tomorrow will be one year. I miss her terribly and the pain of losing her was awful. She was tired though and she had a long life. I’m thankful for the years we had with her.

I still deal with phobias. One in particular. I’m unsure that I’ve ever posted about it but it is the fear of being alone. This fear has and is keeping me from doing a lot of things. I have faith that God will heal me because nothing is too big for God. It is difficult though, but life is not easy nor is it promised to be.  So I’m gonna be still and wait.

My weight loss is at a stand still it seems. I sought food for comfort during the process of grandma getting sick. I am not where I want to be so currently working on that.

A baby is still what we are longing for and I also have faith that God is going to give us a child.  We have gotten prophetic word that He will and I’m being still and waiting on that as well.  I don’t know when or how but you can rest assure that when it happens I will update! 😀

So, I guess that’s my little update. Back to my coffee and Bible. Have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you!


We got a new pup!

Brogan is 5 and he gets a bit lonely. The other day a friend tagged me in a post of a little boston terrier puppy close to home. We contacted the folks and less than an hour later we had our pup. 😀💓
He is 4 months old and we named him Ringo. He’s a mess. Much more hyper than I remember Brogan being. We took him and Brogan for their check up at the vet yesterday morning and then we went and bought fencing materials
So yesterday afternoon we installed a fence. 😓 that was a chore. Especially since hubby knees hurt him pretty bad. He has torn meniscus in both of them and just so happened to twist it 2x yesterday. Once at Lowe’s that brought him to tears and then again at home. Bless his heart. 😦
So it was a lot of work but we got it done thank you Jesus! So pups have a nice area to run, play, and do their business. Just got out of bed about an hour ago and both of the dogs are laying on the couch with me, lazy bones.
God is good! I thank Him so much for everything He does. Often times we take for granted or completely ignore the blessings. I’m guilty of it. But I am so thankful.
Well I need another cup of coffee ☕. I hope whoever may have read this has a wonderful day. God bless you! 

Back on track

So I posted a blog the other night about my crappy day (couple of days)  eating. Well since we’ve been home I’m back on track and exercised yesterday. 

I got home and got in gear without hesitation.  Now,  preop I would have just given up.  I would have decided that I am just not cut out to be healthy and I would have gorged myself on whatever I could find.

I know this surgery is a tool but it has also changed my way of thinking about food.  I can no longer just shrug that piece of bread off.  I now think about all of the stuff I went through to get this procedure and how blessed I am to have gotten it.

So a new mindset is a good thing right?  Yes it is but I also am way harder on myself than I’ve ever been.  A good thing too I suppose.  I really feel counseling would be beneficial.  Counseling is hella expensive though unfortunately.

I guess I better quit blabbing and get some bills paid and figure out what we are going to do today.  Hubby is still on his vacation so I’m happy we can spend some time together.  I’ll post a few pictures of our Branson trip in a separate post later.  Peace and love.


So, I had the biopsy yesterday. Thank God it wasn’t painful. A little bit of cramping but nothing at all like the uterine biopsy I had a year or so ago. My gyno didn’t seem too concerned by the way she talked. I will hear back in about 7 days. I cried the entire time and my sweet husband held my hand. I felt like a big baby lol  But I’m sure she sees that a lot.

After the appointment we went to get groceries. I decided to make tacos and for myself I made a couple of cheese crisp taco shells. Well I over baked them so they didn’t form a taco shell when I tried to place them over a bowl. They just stayed flat but I crunched them up and threw them in my taco salad (it was meat, cheese, sour cream, a little taco sauce, and a few diced tomatoes). Man was it good! I still have half for lunch today too! 🙂

My cpap has been drying my mouth out bad lately and it never did prior to the weight loss. I think the pressure needs adjusted because I can’t sleep as well as I used to. I’m calling my cpap company right now to see if they can help me with that. Hopefully I won’t need a new study yet as I’m not even close to my goal weight. I weighed 216.2 at the doc yesterday so I’m happy about that. I do not own a set of scales and will not give in and buy any. I don’t want to become obsessed with the number on them.

As anyone who reads this can see I’m very random. I never post about one subject LOL  It’s always lots of stuff jumbled together and I’m sorry for that but I’m like that in person too. So now on to yet another subject…we are going fishing this afternoon and I’m super excited! Pics might be posted if we catch any. 🙂   So..with that i’m signing off for now. Peace and Love!